Showing posts with label cleaning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cleaning. Show all posts

Monday 6 January 2020

Dogged Persistence

I was pursued by a very determined and extremely aggressive Alsatian, while negotiating a particularly dark lane. Dropping to a 36 inch gear,  fuelled by a rich mix of caffeine and adrenaline, I dropped said disagreeable canine on the climb. 

I've been attacked by an Alsatian, on four separate occasions in thirty years. Thankfully, my tetanus was up to date and injuries superficial. At time of writing, the UK is still rabies free. However, even though the treatment has gone from 30 to 4 shots, I've seen them administered, and they look decidedly painful. 

Animosity towards cyclists, was once thought to be triggered by the freewheel mechanism. I Consigned that generalisation to  the bin, when I had to out-sprint one, riding fixed.  
A dog dazer, or similar humane deterrent, might be a useful acquisition. 

These send out an ultrasonic frequency that dogs cannot handle, causing them to retreat. Thinking about it, there's probably a phone app that does much the same thing. However, inm these scenarios I want to press and go, not fumble with my phone!

There's no footage of this encounter, since I've been frustrated by some low-level mount chatter that manifests as a very audible rattle. Its particularly apparent over washboard tarmac. 
I've checked the metal bracket's hardware is fully snug and research suggests its a quirk of the design. Therefore, since I'm a couple of years post warranty, I modified  the composite component. 

This Thermoworx Whitemorph polymer sounds like an obvious candidate However, while its very effective for some jobs, including this resurrected Fibre Flare Single Tail rear light, it sets hard. I needed something supple that would dampen this annoying vibration. 

Experimenting with off cuts of scrap butyl and Acros Silicone Wrap Handlebar Tape  proved fruitless. 

Enter Sugru. It's a single use, mould able silicone putty, which sets flexibly, so hopefully that'll cure this annoying trait. January has seen a trend towards drier conditions. 

Since the Univega's chain was looking patchy and the cassette sporting a layer of ingrained gunk, I decided it was an ideal opportunity (a) to put some chain cleaners through their paces (b) Switch back to the Juice Lubes Ceramic Juice to see how it fared in drier conditions. 
Worked one lot into the cassette using an old, clean paintbrush and decenated some into the chain bath, which stripped the chain back tpo its electroplated state with Piranah-like efficiency. Very satisfying. 

Obviously, two cheap nail brushes, doused in solvent, will have similar effect. However, thist tends to be messier. A moot point if part of a more comprehensive, sudsy bucket scrub is on the cards. My Univega was, given the wet, wintry conditions. I started by giving the Fizik Vento Microtex Tacky Bi-Colour Bar tape a good tickling, to remove some ingrained petrochemical patina. I then turned my attention to frame and wheelset. 

 I also took this opportunity to give my Carradice SQR bags a deep clean and switched them over. Both are waterproof but the black cotton duck SQR tour coordinates better with the Univega's aesthetic and the Carradry's glossy fabric makes more sense for my fixed gear winter/trainer (which doesn't sport mudguards). 

 I've found these Funkier Aqua Gents Pro Water Repellent tights particularly welcome

Being steel, little surprise that the new seatpost binder bolt stayed snug. However, I wasn't sure whether the collar would stretch, or not. So far, so good, although I do give the saddle a quick tug, before setting off. We've also been very impressed by the budget Schwalbe Road Cruiser tyres

Although less bullet proof than others in Schwalbe's range, the Kevlar banding seems pretty dependable. Steve succumbed to a hawthorn but I've remained unscathed, despite the greasy mulch carpeting many of the roads I navigate. Another pleasant surprise is their relatively supple compound, which combines great handling and compliant ride.  

Wednesday 13 November 2019

Sticky Fingers

A few weeks back, I established the Soma Condor  swap was the icing on my Univega’s cake. No change in several hundred miles, since. However, the reclaimed Lizard Skins DSP bar tape  was beginning to look slightly tired in places. Time was when a cable change meant the bar wrap (especially budget) was also bin fodder. Most bar tapes seem tolerant of being re/wound, even after they’ve weathered a bit.

Shot peened or sand blasted handlebars also seem to assist adhesion. However, the former process is generally employed to subvert potential stress fractures. The progressive availability of naturally sticky silicone wraps, including the Acros Silicone Wrap Handlebar Tape  and Genetic  are easily rewound and reapplied following cable changes and are otherwise durable, too.

As an anecdotal average, I seem to get three cable changes from a mid to upper end adhesive backed bar tape. Around three thousand miles before the material begins looking jaded; loses its specialist properties; or shows more serious signs of fatigue. Leather is more durable (and usually with a consummate price tag).

With periodic use of hide food (which keeps the leather nourished and supple) I’ve had three years and six cable changes before contemplating replacement. Obviously not an option for vegan riders and often slippery to start with. Silicone and sophisticated polymer wrap also requires more care when cleaning.

Strong solvents and stiff brushes with often strip their coatings, or age them prematurely. I’ve found this Oxford Tyre Scrub  and Duck Smart The Black Stuff Chain Cleaner an excellent combination, for lifting ingrained grime. That said; we are talking a gentle, sustained pressure here.

Extra UK  have kindly sent me this Fizik Vento Microtex Tacky Tape to test. According to Fizik, the Vento family are “Race bred tapes for ultimate control and reduced weight”. Apparently “The tacky film surface with raised texture facilitates grip in every condition”.

Its 2mm (compared with the Lizard Skins DSP’s 2.5mm) so the comparison will be interesting. Fizik also suggest the smaller density benefits riders with smaller hands. I have long willowy digits, so the latter benefit may be lost on me. However, on paper it’s a tangible benefit.  

There’s a definite knack to achieving graceful flowing lines. Bind carefully, patiently and when free of distraction. Unless of course, you’re a pro mechanic. Now pedants will say black and white are shades, not colours. 

I wasn’t sure whether the white would blend successfully with the Univega’s cream and black two-tone theme. However, by my reckoning, with the SPD pedals, Orp smart horn and mudguard detailing, it works a treat. Some minor points aside, I’ve also reached my conclusions regarding the Prendas Ciclismo  Lisboa Waterproof Cycling Cap

Continuing this waste not, want not narrative, I’ve decided to run the Weldtite TF2 All Weather Performance Lubricant for the time being, see how many miles I can accumulate, before switching to the Juice Lubes Ceramic. The former is a mix of ISO oils, additives and PTFE, which keeps friction remarkably low.

Presumably it’s the additives keeping it stable in all temperatures. A Canadian rider reckons it’s the first lube he’s used, capable of remaining effective at minus 32 degrees. Viscosity also lends it very nicely to cleat/locking mechanisms, as a corrosion inhibitor for electroplated fasteners and even frame-ends.

PTFE is both friend and foe. The ubiquitous slippery compound is dirt cheap and very effective, in the friction busting stakes. Its also relatively toxic, hence I minimise my own exposure. Latex examination gloves are donned when applying greases and often when stripping lubes. Where possible, I avoid using PTFE based chain lubes in contexts where I’m riding close to rivers and similar waterways.   

Lighting permitting, I’ve always found myself riding faster at night and I’ve concluded it’s psychological. Gradients become smaller because you cannot perceive their size, in the same fashion you would, during daylight. Focus is upon maintaining a decent tempo. Dark roads also inspire a more reflective mood.

A means of processing complex thoughts and ideas. I usually return from a ride feeling energised and with a new sense of perspective. Copy I’ve been struggling with, often seems to write itself. I have recently been coming to terms with my elderly farm cat’s demise. Kidney and cardiovascular failure forced the issue.  All we can ask for is a fulfilling life and a merciful end. He had both.  

I’m also an introvert. A much maligned and misunderstood personality type. Contrary to popular misconception, introverts are not shy, or socially awkward. People intrigue me and I consider myself adept at reading people and their motivations. Engaged, loquacious and emotionally intelligent, in professional contexts, I also need time to retreat and recharge. Long steady night rides are an obvious conduit.