The onset of warmer weather rekindles my desire to press onward with the Holdsworth's rebirth. Repair to the shell, bottle mounts and of course, new finish. I'm leaning toward a chrome effect powder base-coat with a two pac 5012 top coat to give the impression of a plated triangle but without the harmful processes. However, while I'm renown for creative solutions and lateral thought, some things require capital investment and the behaviours of one small-scale publisher is testing my patience to the absolute limit. This came to a head last week when a second copy of the current issue dropped through my letterbox sans cheque! In stark contrast, Moore Large have sent these butyl tubes gratis since they couldn't supply me with the thorn resistant Kenda on time. Being Knog's UK distributor, they've also left me this veritable hum vee of a bag to play with... 
Knog never cease to amuse with their bizarre but oh so clever marketing and that promoting their Pig Dog 15.5 messenger bag is no exception. The blurb suggests the PR boys and girls have been enjoying too many rides on the magic roundabout but if you can wear the hefty £96 price tag, it could prove the perfect urbane companion for riders seeking a stylish, waterproof town satchel on and sans bike but without messenger pretensions. Made from hand stitched, hard wearing 1200 denier cotton duck, full to bursting capacity is an eye-popping twenty-four litres. Being a social chameleon, it can be taken anywhere, especially through airport security with the minimum of fuss which is more than can be said of an otherwise fine example made from hemp with that oh so distinctive aroma....

Further intrigue came courtesy of Justin Burls and this frameset made for two...I'll arrange to come and visit him at his new premises and if I ask nicely perhaps he'll fill me in. In the meantime should you fancy something bespoke from the finest grade Russian titanium then have a look at his site:
Ending on a surreal note, SKS airchamp pro is a very fine way of raising a flaccid road tyre to 110psi in eight seconds. A clever thumb switch enables controlled release, as opposed to jettisoning an entire cylinder which might not seem ideal when trying to rejoin the peleton but comes into it's own, out with the chain gang. With hydraulic arms you've cajoled eighty-five psi from the hand-pump but it's locked out and that race rubber's begging for 125. Plug on the airchamp and top-up (checking periodically with your tyre gauge to avoid blowing it from the rim!) There's even a safety catch to prevent unintentional discharge...So, there was I bowling along the lanes when whooooooooooooooooosh- the cartridge engaged in my messenger knickers, refreshing the parts Co2 inflators weren't intended for and at £2.50 a hit, this won't develop into a fetish!