Wednesday 27 July 2016

Candid Cameras & Premature Celebrations

After three months testing Cycliq fly 6 camera and rear light, we’ve reached our conclusions.  “I’ve got your back” is the tag-line and while there’s something disappointing about living in a world where we have to record our rides for defensive, litigious reasons, its two genuinely excellent products in one.

There are better choices for adrenalin junkies looking to capture breathtaking footage with short pieces of commentary. The fly 6 is closer to a car dash cam, recording in ten minute segments and will ultimately wipe the footage once the card is full.

8gb micro SD comes as standard, though it will accept 32gb versions if you must. Speaking of size, generally unobtrusive, it still requires a decent helping of seatpost, a moot point with most semi/compact geometry framesets but something to consider if jockeying for space with saddle bags or monster wedgies. 

Image and sound quality aren’t quite on par with Go Pro and similar 1080Hd fare, its susceptible to wind and road. Nonetheless, footage is more than adequate enough to provide irrefutable evidence in the event of an incident, or on a happier note, reviewing rides from an alternative perspective. Talking of which, I’ve just taken delivery of the Revolution Cross 2.

Formative impressions suggest it lacks the pizzazz of a purebred cross bike with carbon fork- closer in persona to a tourer over metalled roads. However, as our facebook footage illustrates, I was pleasantly surprised by how surprisingly nimble its’ proving sans asphalt...

Suggestion that I’d exorcised the Holdsworth’s puncture curse was, well a bit premature... Having returned from a 15mile blast, I popped it back on its hook in the workshop, reintroduced F**k off lock, following the immovable object rule and bid it good night.

Eagerly anticipating another fast paced escape the following evening...Front tyre pancake flat. Thankfully I had the Ilpompino prepped and ready to go. Change of shoes and we away-pretty much had the lanes to myself and a steady 23-25mph tempo, quick enough to banish mental cobwebs and low mood for another day.

Back at the house, I discovered the Holdsworth’s puncture was attributable to duff rim tape. Think I might retire said fixer’s carbon composite post next. Composites seem structurally fine; alas the alloy cradle’s threads seem to be receding.

I’ve tightened the 6mm Allen bolt to manufacturer recommended torque settings and will monitor for the time being. Could be a rogue model, maybe after six years, it’s reached the end of its intended design life. However, at 70 odd kilos, I’m fairly compassionate to components.      

Fixed isn’t everyone’s thing and while I’ve met a few frame builders who enjoy touring on their Audax inspired, single brake builds, in this context, I’d sooner go for variable gears, whether hub or derailleur.

Fixed came under my radar in my early teens; many club riders had one within their fleet-sometimes these followed the continental narrative of old race framesets reincarnated as winter/workhorses, others pared to the essentials TT missiles.

It wasn’t particularly mainstream but widely accepted as having merits “Good thing; teaches you to pedal properly”; as one rider in his early forties put it. Then of course, there was a sub editor’s 1948 Freddy Grubb…

A small minority of chain-gangers seem to enjoy carving in a hairs breadth from my bars, then lingering, seemingly trying to make a point. If my 18mph on an incline is too pedestrian, why aren’t you powering ahead.

Oh, sorry, you wanted to deliver the hipster jibe…The same riders mysteriously find a voice; or some form of visual acknowledgement when I’m dressed in similar road biased kit but astride a more tribe acceptable road build. Difficult to measure scientifically but anecdotally, I find this myopic “One way to ride” tribalism very disappointing.

Talking trends, silicone is growing in popularity as a handlebar covering. Having graced the Univega’s moustache bars for a good fourteen months, the otherwise dependable Genetic (flare) is starting to look a little dog-eared in places.

Grimy patinas cultivated during puncture purging and other roadside mechanicals are easily dismissed using some bike wash concentrate, lathered up with a medium stiff brush. However, fatigue is apparent wit successive re/winding to facilitate cable replacements-especially where it enters the ends. Timely then, that I’m due to receive some Guee in ultra serviceable black. 

Thursday 21 July 2016

The Joy of Workhorses

Stripping and thoroughly re-greasing the Univega’s M475 hub cured the grumbles and confirmed freehub and other components had many miles left in them. 

Edinburgh Bicycle Co-operative is sending Seven Day  the latest incarnation of their wallet friendly ‘Cross 2 for testing

I have always been impressed by their range and was particularly taken by their Cross 0.  

On paper at least, this seems very befitting to the 0. Working bikes certainly aren’t the ceiling of our horizons at SDC but we’re firmly of the opinion that decent workhorses are vital members of any enthusiasts’ fleet.

Well maintained but rugged,  you’re not afraid to face the salt monster’s caustic tongue, or leave them shacked to street furniture, yet said swinging a leg over their top tubes and powering off, induces those ear-to-ear grins.

Essentially, the 0 is a single speed ‘cross inspired package featuring their in house “Strongman” 7005 series aluminium frame with mudguard and carrier fixings for four seasons’ practicality.Hi-tensile steel forks add some additional girth and personally, for the sake of a few pennies, I’d prefer to see basic Cro-moly blades. 

“Cross inspired” geometry is a refreshingly honest phrase, which refers to generous clearances, rather than off-road pretentions per se. Taking of which, there's room for 35mm tyres for a compliant, magic carpet ride over pock marked asphalt.

Reducing things to a balance sheet decision, this member of their cross family would easily pay for itself within three months of short-middle distance commuting. Monies saved on train or bus fare could be ploughed back into the household coffers, or other two-wheeled projects...  

Given this backdrop, I didn’t need much persuading to take a closer look at its more refined sibling. Sharing the same non ferrous tubes, this one follows the adventure/gravel bike narrative. 

Tektro Spyre mechanical discs caused quite a stir when they first came out about three years back and for very good reason. In retrospect, I’m wishing I took that route, rather than the otherwise extremely agreeable Avid BB7 presently gracing my own ‘cross inspired fixer’s fork blade.

Twin pistons sound more complex but having played with them (albeit briefly) modulation and feel with lower-mid range levers and compression cables is reassuringly good. Lower profiles are another definite plus, improving heel clearance, while taking the faff from rack fitting. Shimano’s 8x3 Claris groupset also fits the design brief handsomely.

There’s enough range for bombing, cruising and winching, whether lugging a trailer’s worth of kit on a weekend tour, or just doing the weekly shop. Yes, there’s some scope for less challenging rides on the wild side too. 

Shifts are crisp but everything’s cheap enough to replace in the event of a nasty spill. Shunning full-length guards, clearance looks generous enough to accept a narrower (35mm) section spiked tyre for dependable bite through winter’s worst.

Anyhow, I’m really looking forward to swinging my leg over its 55cm top tube and seeing how the whole package behaves over the course of a few hundred, real world miles…Talking of the Ilpompino, nipping the Aheadset bearings quarter of a turn tighter ironed out some trace wibble that set in after 150 miles.

After rummaging in the bodge box for a spare spoke mount (think my malevolent farm cat scattered the old one irretrievably beneath the freezer/drier) I bought a “Blackburn” replacement for the princely sum of £2. Fuchsia Knog Nerd now pride of place and fully functional.

Found some time to review the Tom Tom bandit’s footage. By my reckoning, image quality is level pegging with Go-Pro’s 3; although the microphone is proving surprisingly susceptible to wind blast.

Think I’ll invest in the remote trigger upgrade when circumstance permits…KA decided to chomp through its rear brake shoes last week, with audible protest on the M1. Thankfully, no other component damage done and friendly local garage sorted it for £75 including VAT.  Hmm, hopefully that signals the end of this most recent spate of implosions...

Thursday 14 July 2016

Write Ups & Write Offs

Austin Vince Interview now live on Seven Day Cyclist , replacement forks and headset behaving impeccably, I’ve been able to sit back and enjoy some serious fun on the Ilpompino. However, despite recent battery replenishments, its’ otherwise seriously cheerful, Revolution Velocity 20 function bar mounted computer has been delivering some frustratingly erratic readings.

Close proximity to pylons, electricity substations and other sources of current were once notorious for sending wireless units haywire. Some pros still prefer wired systems for absolute accuracy. Standalone heart rate monitors and more recently, GPS based tech have also been linked to this kind of disruption.

These were non issues with both Geonaute escape series action cameras and their remote triggers. Thoughts turned to the Tom Tom Bandit but leaving it at home for a few rides ruled this out.

Given the Velocity was a tester and Edinburgh Bicycle Cooperative are now offering them for £10; after eighteen months’ faithful service; a quick rummage in my gizmo box unearthed this fuchsia/pink Knog Nerd. Fresh batteries, lick of Vaseline on the battery contacts and a quick bit of recalibration later-job done.  

Elsewhere, new, heavy duty tubeless rim tape coupled with a fresh delivery of tubes cured the Holdsworth’s butyl munching tendencies. Timely then since a set of 26mm Bontrager R3 TLR (Tubless Ready) tyres had been sent my way...

There is little doubt in my mind that tubeless will become the dominant system, although rather akin to tubulars, I don’t expect tubes to become obsolete. Tubeless tyres have been around for a good decade or so and have several advantages.

Puncture resistance, especially at lower pressures explains why they caught on with mountain bike and ‘cross audiences. Additional traction through the gloop makes all the difference.

The R3 also employ a “lightweight sub tread” material for additional puncture resistance, which is welcomed, whether you’ve gone for wholesale conversion or want a slower, tubes first transition. There’s a definite knack to getting them aboard-some rims are easier than others but having nearly succumbed to a full blown, lever hurling meltdown; I’d recommend watching the Bontrager you tube tutorial first.

Operating pressures are decidedly modest by traditional wire on/tubular standards, although run at 105psi; they’re responsive with leach-like cornering prowess through saturated S bends, yet deliver a very compliant ride over washboard surfaces. Punctures have been a moot point to date and I’m fast forming the opinion these are excellent choices for for winter/trainers and other situations where you want to stick with one set of tyres year round.

While out in the Ka, I found myself following the TFB (Tadworth Fat boys) team.
Having overtaken them a couple of miles earlier, I drew into a clearing and took a chance on my CSC’s lithium ion battery. Luckily, 40% charge remained and the 50-200 5.6 lens was already fitted; so I ran off a few shots from a comfortable distance.

Returning home, I decided to give the Univega a good clean, degrease the drivetrain and re-lube. Click, grumble, whirr...Rear wheel bearings fine, cassette snug, freehub mechanism...On the way out.

This is another loyal, wallet friendly servant that doesn’t owe me anything. Detractors suggest it can’t cope with poor weather, let alone trail duties. Granted, it’s a very simple cup n’ cone model, one up from Alivio with similarly basic weather seals; nonetheless with basic care, mine has racked up 20,000 miles through snow and high water.

Machine built hoop with higher quality Deore hub can be had for £60 from reputable suppliers, so I have a very clear write-off figure in mind. Short on time; I got in touch with Alan at Riverside Cycle Centre, who agreed to do a strip n’ service on Tuesday, since I was in his neck of the woods. That’s about it for this week, off to familiarise myself with this remote trigger for Sony SLR/CSC systems...

Wednesday 6 July 2016

The Emperor's New Forks

Plenty of excitement-of the right and wrong sort this past fortnight; continued progress with the children’s stories, a couple of hours spent interviewing Austin Vince ( leading up to his adventure travel film festival on 12-14th August.

Then along came tyres that would not mount, mechs that swung too far and of course; a “Forking hell! My blades/steerer are divorcing!!!” drama.

Thankfully; this was all sorted with a call to upgrade bikes Two minutes later, Rory sorted me a set of Kinesis DC37 at a very compassionate price. Two days later, they arrived at my door suitably boxed to fox the notorious parcel destroyers, along with a brand-spanking new hacksaw.

I knew I had a packet fresh, replacement blade “somewhere” but rather than wasting time, simply ordered another saw, specifically for guillotining steerer tubes. Some will argue this is unnecessary expense; most of us replace forks every-so-often.

Maybe so, but £6 pales into insignificance compared to a badly cut tube, or operator injury. Keeping two sets of wire snips is also good practice; one for everyday jobs-cutting zip ties, plastic housing, wire fencing to length etc and another specifically for inner wires-they’ll repay their investment countless times over.

Back to the forks; these are a keenly priced and relatively lightweight composite set with an alloy steerer, disc mount and 45 degree rake. Check out a full review in Seven Day Cyclist.

Kinesis frames and forks are well made and this one seems particularly good for a budget fork; countering the perpetuating myth that composites go floppy with age, or should be arbitrarily replaced at specific intervals. Personally, I’m inclined to inspect regularly and, in the event of a serious tumble, consult a specialist and make an informed decision.

Bottom line, I’ll pension off anything dubious. The cost implications of new teeth, time off work, or the prospect of having shards of composite plucked from my derriere by an overworked and underpaid A&E nurse far exceeds that of a replacement post/handlebar/fork.

I was tempted to plump for their Crosslight. These are a slightly quirky, industrial looking 6061 set, which I’ve used to good effect on a cross inspired mtb mongrel. There's  only 70g separating them from the Dc37. 

However, while I’d describe the Crosslight as direct, rather than harsh; carbon blades translate into a more compliant ride. Ideal opportunity for headset replacement-another FSA, from the comfort of one’s kitchen, naturally. 

Talking of comfort, I am largely a MAMIL (Middle aged man in Lycra) for point to point blasts; though I’ve always had a soft spot for “messenger” longs, which are extremely practical for spirited riding, yet more suave, dare we say, socially appropriate sans bike.

Price is usually a good indicator; although I have three particular favourites are at each end of the spectrum (£25-£75). Given this backdrop, I was decidedly disappointed by another top drawer set commanding the lion’s share of £100. 

No denying their appeal sans saddle but the cut saw them ascending my thighs faster than an 80’s Columbian climber. Could just be a poor liner/short combo, so I’ll persevere for another 100miles or so before passing comment proper.

Elsewhere, I’d been eager to get my sweaty little mitts on tom-tom’s bandit action cam for some time, attracted by its spec and promise of user-friendly editing.

Suggestion that action cams, regardless of quality are serious film-making tools is misinformed. Limited focal length and sound recording quality are the most obvious limiters but they are a useful way of recording the highs n’ lows of a ride, broadcasting short, first-look promotional pieces on social media channels.

Convergence; crudely the adoption of SLR cameras for film-making and we can now edit footage without having access to professional editing suites. However, as Austin Vince pointed out during our interview; the grammar of television-the way in which stories are told remains unchanged and must be mastered first.

I’ve seen several “Uncle Bobs” produce abysmal wedding footage using completely stock, entry Level DSLRS in movie mode. Undeterred, I’m going to learn this language at my own pace, while having some uncomplicated fun with the Bandit…

Saturday 25 June 2016

Hub Deep

It’s not what but who you know…Word of mouth has seen Seven Day Cyclist invited to attend the upcoming Adventure travel film festival , which is a great opportunity to get inspired.

Traditionally this attracted 4 wheel drive and motorcycle explorers but we’re told cycling audiences are also beginning to gravitate; hence our attendance. On subject of touring/exploration, Steve Dyster has found plenty of decaying soviet era relics; especially in Germany’s easterly towns and villages.

At this point, I felt an acute sense of excitement and before he moved back to the west, begged him for some photographic evidence of this delightful derelict industrial porn...Hopefully I’ll be able to share this very soon-he’s due back in the next few days.

Several hundred miles in and the Ilpompino’s FSA headset bearings remain well behaved, although its replacement arrived and will be substituted at a convenient moment should the dreaded slop rear its ugly head again.

Talking of which, I returned from a weekend’s social photography in Bedford and decided summer’s decidedly soggy official start should coincide with the introduction of WD40 dry chain lube.

For the past few weeks’ I’ve fed the fixers Green Oil’s chain wax, which is a super clean brew with friction in snake’s testicle territory. While the formulas are very different, one derived from plant based ethanol and similarly natural (though extremely flammable!) components; the other employing old school PTFE.

Both are very runny; so deploy in well-ventilated areas- away from chain smoking neighbours or other sources of ignition and keep some old rag/kitchen towel hovering beneath to capture the inevitable overspill.

Green oil likes a double up and while directions suggest it’ll cure in around six minutes, twenty seems optimum, even on very warm, arid days. Technically; as is the case with many PTFE fortified blends, WD40’s follows the drizzle on, dismiss excess and scoot-off narrative.

In practice, leaving it twenty minutes or so, improves staying prowess, especially in slightly changeable conditions. This, coupled with the fact that its 100ml bottle slips nicely into most jersey pockets/saddlebags means it’s convenient for roadside top-ups too

First impressions along waterlogged lanes suggest they’re on the right lines when it comes to staying prowess. I’ve avoided roads which have become virtually impassable rivers; claiming late model SUVs, vans and smaller vehicles. 

Nonetheless, some sections were deep enough to engulf said fixer’s stainless steel chain and lap at its sealed hubs. We’re only seventy miles in so far, which in many respects is nothing, although I’ve often found myself topping up those lightweight ISO/PTFE formulas around this point into a similarly wet spell. The next three hundred miles could prove very interesting, or highly predictable... 

Elsewhere; I’ve been busy in the midlands; succumbing to a very nasty bout of food poisoning; demanding a couple of stops at Northampton and Toddington motorway services. In any case, the M1 was pedestrian due to a series of equally visceral collisions, one involving a Truck and several cars.

My series of Children’s stories, characters and themes continue to develop. Once we’ve agreed the second draft of our prequel’s narrative, Michael J Murphy will commence the initial sketches for approval, before bringing them to life digitally.

The Free parable T2 trailer continues to impress me. Its long sleek profile is reminiscent of a spine and when combined with its waterproof dry sack, will manage a competitive 30kilos plus of kit without feeling overburdened.

Being 6061 aluminium, it’s a little lighter than the Yak patterns, though the same rules apply-plan your gear changes carefully, before reaching junctions or climbs and, in my case, over- estimate your turning circle. That said; it tracks more accurately behind and coupled with a slender profile, makes negotiating tighter gaps-traffic, alleyways or indeed, forest trails.

The “spinal” design and plastic mudguard also means annoying chatter is a moot point when gliding over inclement/washboard tarmac. OEM wheels tend to be another afterthought. While hardly exotic, the T2’s 12 inch rolls surprisingly efficiently and while there’s an argument in favour of being able to strip and service/rebuild a basic cup and cone hub in the back of beyond.

In practice the sealed “fit n’ forget” units turn very smoothly and shouldn’t require any intervention in the longer term.  There are a few minor limitations with the design, mind. Those, myself included; who are less orderly in their loading, may find models with broader platforms more convenient for everyday bung in and go missions. Complete review coming soon in Seven Day Cyclist