Monday, 10 March 2025



It’s easy to overlook luggage, specifically their mounting kit. I was blatting along another filthy backroad when my serenity was rudely interrupted by a mysterious squeak. I initially (and irrationally) attributed to the USE SX post’s suspension components needing a strip, clean and fresh helping of Peaty’s Speed Grease. However, these are internal and very well sealed from the elements.  

Closer inspection revealed it was the Zefal R11 flap tickling the rear tyre and kit trying to make a bid for freedom. Pump, tubes and CycPlus AS2 Pro Max E Pump  CycPlus AS2 Pro Max E.Pump | cycling-not-racing inflator tucked safely inside, I tethered straps tight (including the beefy post mount) and we were sway and binding free once more.  

I was also relatively surprised to find the Motorex Chain Wax still intact, albeit a little filmier, some fifty odd grotty miles down the line. I’d needed to top it up again, as a precaution (since it needs several hours and ideally a full night’s curing). However, unlike the very likeable Blub Wax, it isn’t unduly temperature sensitive and won’t degrade if the bike’s not been ridden in two, maybe three days 

I’d also decided some nocturnal testing was in order. Having already had the Magicshine Allty 400’s Garmin type mount aboard the bars, I resurrected this Ray 2600, which puts out a total of 2,600 lumens. This is the predecessor to the Ray2600B (bluetooth) which requires an app. I've nothing against apps per e, I'd just much sooner have manual control and a remote, wired or otherwise.  

There are four basic, steady modes-170, 330, 650 and 1300lumens- using both lenses basically doubles this and there's also a smart ambient mode, should you fancy letting the light and its sensor technology lead. However, in common with other high-power designs with integral batteries, run times are relatively short in the highest settings, so best to use these sparingly, or buy a model with a medium setting that you can happily default to on the darkest of your rides.      

A few days later and temperatures tanked to minus 2, prompting me to huddle under the duvet and ignore the alarms longer than I ordinarily would. I woke Ursula and we headed out along the backroads, the Schwalbe Ice Spiker Pro’s gravelly patter reassuring me we’d remain upright along the sections of wet road that likely hid black ice and other nasty surprises.  

The left Microshift bar end shifter had also gone off tune in the freezing conditions, meaning temperamental shifting to the small ring. These seem more highly strung than the Centos, although still easy to live with. Front mechs, contrary to popular misconception tend to be tricky customers- ask anyone who’s had to keep a touring triple on song year round. Having popped Ursula on the Topeak  Flashstand eUP Topeak Flashstand eUp | cycling-not-racing  ,I deduced it was a cable tension and shifter tweak. Pulling the mech through at the mech cured 85% and a quick 2-minute tweak of the shift lever tension solved the remaining niggle-ha!   

I was also getting some squeal from the front disc but this was easily dismissed by engaging the front brake on a moderate descent-maybe the rotor was a little too clean.   

Back from another subzero ride on Ursula, I decided the Peaty's Link Lube Dry was beginning to look a little too conspicuous by its absence, confirmed when I touched the links. This prompted me to question compatibility between the Link Lubes. For example, the Rock N' Roll family of lubes can just be applied atop the other, should you fancy a change, say going from a dry to middleweight, or weight formula. The solvent properties within them strips any residual lube/gunk and cures, leaving only the new choice behind. Would the Link Lubes work in a similar way, the carrier stripping and priming, leaving the All-Weather in situ. Or would it react badly with any traces of Link Lube Dry., resulting in an oily mess... 


I gave the Link Lube All Weather a vigorous shake to mix the two parts and then drizzled into every link while spinning the cranks backward...Unlike the wax, there's no hanging around waiting for it to cure, but I popped Ursula away and went about my day.  Being minus 2, I headed out on Ursula the following morning and was pleasantly surprised to discover a lack of chemical animosity between the two lubes, although I had to scoop some residual gunk from the jockey wheels upon my return.       


The internet is a fabulous resource and, in this context, great for researching, learning, not to mention, shopping. However, scams appear to be on the rise. These tend to pop up in the right-hand panes of Facebook and the platform doesn't seem remotely interested in the association, which doesn't come as a complete surprise, give Mr Zukerberg's cow-towing to Donald Trump and disinformation. I had one that looked to be a genuine Endura link but when you click on it, it carries you over to a very different, yet plausible site -(Ounwear) with a familiar range of Endura goodies and plausible, not too cheap, not too steep. prices  


Take Endura Xtract ¾ lengths as a prime example. The Xtract employs their 400 series pad-a 15mm thick model with the usual anti-bacterial, fast wicking finish and strategically positioned gel for added comfort.   


Thing is, the typeset is different, Endura are based in Scotland, not the Far East, so you'll (a) not be supporting the brand, and its suppliers (b) won't get any genuine products and chances are, they'll pocket the cash. I'm not saying stick with only the official sites but check the vendor's credentials. 


Monday, 3 March 2025

Changeable Season Selections


Mild, wet, and filthy conditions continued, and lanes continue the ‘cross meet narrative, meaning I was treating Denise to Sudsy bucket washes every four rides or, so, since we were filthy following every outing. Temperatures wandered between 8 and 11 degrees, the Lomo Winter Cycling Gloves Lomo Winter Cycling Gloves | cycling-not-racing continuing to impress with their comfort, dexterity, and moisture management. Not forgetting their wallet-friendly price.  


The Peaty’s Link Lube All Weather was doing its best to keep the chain lubed and silent without attracting too much grot but has still called for reapplication every 100 miles or so. I’d also noted some tainted links on Ursula’s new chain, which I’d treated to Peaty’s Link Lube Dry PEATYS LINK LUBE DRY CHAIN LUBE | cycling-not-racing  


Then along came this Motorex Chain Wax. I'm told this is a blend of biodegradable oils trafficked by water. Pretty typical of wax formulas per se, as is the need for a surgically clean drivetrain first time round. Literally anything damp, or oily will prevent it adhering to the chain's rollers and inner sanctum-hence why its introduction coincided with Denise's deep clean.  


I'm curious to see whether it's a middle of the road fair weather blend, or whether it will stay put during less clement conditions. Thus far, it has poured nicely from the spout-I've given the bottle an enthused 60 second shake to mix everything and in temperatures around 6 degrees, the viscosity has been very controllable, notably less watery than several I've tested long term over the years. Not so much as a splash on the concrete. Controllable enough that I'd be tempted to use it on cables and metal on metal parts to keep them slick, though clean.  


For some folks, lube choice is less nuanced. Dry and waxy formulas are for dry and potentially dusty contexts, wet lubes are for wet, wintry conditions. I can see the logic to this but I'm not the only rider who prefers something a little less stodgy, dare we say gooey. Immersion waxes that work in a similar fashion to old school motorcycle blends are increasingly finding favour, given their cleanliness and in some instances, performance gains. Of the dropper bottle waxes, I've found Momum MIC the fastest curing and surprisingly durable.  


Waxes also work on the science of capturing grit and other contaminant within the top layer, scabbing away as you ride, leaving a light lubricant layer protecting the chain. Providing you're not introducing waxes of different chemical compositions; this can be topped up- no need to scrub clean beforehand. However, apart from the Momum MIC and a couple of others, most need several hours (ideally overnight) curing, which isn't necessarily a deal breaker, so long as you replenish before it's completely exhausted.  


This might not be the most convenient on an unexpectedly wet commute, or mid tour. That aside, formative impressions were quite positive. Having stripped the chain, cassette, jockey wheels and ring of any residual lube/gunk using the tag team of neat Fenwicks degreaser and Silca Gear Wipes. I wasn't in a rush, but I had 25 minutes all told to deep clean and lightly lube before popping the bike away and tackling other stuff.  I was also tempted to switch Ursula from the spikes, but the weather forecast predicted some freezing conditions and given the standing water and general gloop, going rubber up was the last thing I needed.  


¾ length bib knickers are a bit Marmite but I'm firmly in the love camp, which was brought home to me when I discovered I only had a pair of Funkier and the Castelli Entrata Castelli Entrata Thermal Bib Knickers | cycling-not-racing left, having worn through a set of Van Rysel, my favourite Primal Dawn TEST & REVIEW: PRIMAL DAWN MEN'S BIB KNICKERS and some bargain basement Ozzo. The latter having served me well for many yearsFor me, they provide fabulous overlap between the seasons, most obviously Autumn to Winter and the early season to springConditions where tights are too toasty and shorts uncomfortably chill. My knees certainly appreciate the coverage and insulation. 


Waterproof luggage is a definite plus in all contexts but especially touring or commuting. The Lomo Waterproof panniers are certainly impressing me with their belt and braces weatherproofing. Mounting hardware is also very versatile, meaning they adjust to a wealth of different rack tubing diameters 


The factory fitted internal sleeves have proven compatible with the Topeak Uni Super Tourist 2.0 Non-Disc Rack Topeak Uni SuperTourist 2.0 NonDisc Rack | cycling-not-racing   and its disc ready cousin mounted to my fixed gear winter/trainer. This opens and locks onto the rack by pulling the webbed nylon handle- convenient for quick getaways, although took me a few goes before it became intuitive.